
Verak X.O

Stone Castle Vineyards and Winery

Verak X.O

Verak X.O. is a brandy made by our old Cognac methodology from the distillate obtained by handpicked carefully selected white grapes varieties. It is preserved for 10 to 25 years in five-hundred liter wooden oak barrels stored in Stone Castle Winery's underground cellars. Our forefather's legacy allowed intense character and full body flavors such as forest spices, vanilla, cigars, and forest pine, to relieve the liveliness of enjoyment for an unforgettable event.

Verak XO


This brandy is a store at our old Stone Castle cellar in special room conditions to create the perfect atmosphere for the aging of this national treasure that we are all proud of. To walk through this cellar is like entering our history, meeting the legends of Illyrian time, and searching for the secret of this brandy's elegance and delicacy.

Verak XO has a long history of production; it has endured many unpleasant situations that have troubled the region throughout history, including numerous wars. Throughout all these situations, the methodology of production never changed. The distillate needed for the production of Verak was stored and hidden inside the cellar so it wouldn't be destroyed or tampered with.

10 Years

Rahoveci Valley

40% vol


Verak Award
Verak X.O